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Al final de Diagonal /At the end of Diagonal Blvd.

Torre Telefónica Diagonal ZeroZero, obra de EMBA_ESTUDI MASSIP-BOSCH ARCHITECTES. Diagonal ZeroZero Telefónica Tower, designed by EMBA_ESTUDI MASSIP-BOSCH ARCHITECTES.

Sagrat Cor

Templo expiatorio del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, obra del arquitecto Enric Sagnier, que termino de construir su hijo en Josep Maria Sagnier en 1962. Las esculturas fueron obra de Eusebi Arnau.
Expiatory Temple of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, designed by the architect Enric Sagnier and finished the construction by his son Josep Maria Sagnier in 1961. The sculptures are maded by Eusebi Arnau.


  1. Muy buenas Fotos!!
    Estaremos al tanto...

  2. A good BW !
    (to enter a comment, i have to type the password about 10 attempts before it can be posted, quite frustrating)

  3. Wong lleva razón... no suele gustar mucho...


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